Narrowing Middle Class
Middle Class Gap Closing As Predictions Suggested years ago not just by middle class individuals but analysts have been predicting Middle Income Earners are becoming fewer and fewer by the Generation. To many aspects play into the narrowing of Middle Class people ranging from fewer jobs for the younger generation, outsourcing, insourcing, not enough demand for many of the jobs in many companies, ETC... Which is to say why I have been stating my concern for the lesser fortunate people who lack the ability to compete for certain positions over children even of the lower income class. My hopes and wish's that if you can't help society, help your children save for their future's to help them compete in any market place of there choosing. Life is not always about the parent's ideologies of Governments, Corporations, and any political lifestyle. A child's ability to survive in a marketplace depends on the caregivers ability to reason and aid the child until s/he is able to sustain themselves.
As much as I dislike Donald Trump for many reasons which I don't have time to go over, he and Judge Judy even believe parents have just as much power, even more so than corporations, over the future of their child's survivability. Downsizing material things may be scary at first, however, when people start living without the same items they had for a long time. Like childrens toy, you learn to outgrow it eventually allowing you to manage yourself accordingly.
Kevin Miller.
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