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Monday, December 14, 2015

Life Hacks - Cost Effective Strategies.


Throughout life, there are going to be financial decisions which affect your life in small ways.  People with think these financial woes are small and unimportant, which is further from the truth than anyone and everyone realizes. These issues, however small, are no less inconvenient than an accident on your way to work. Especially if you are just entering the work force, low-income worker, Single parent family,ETC.. When and where these inconveniences cost you more than the moments initial impact.  These are some Cost Effective Strategies I have picked up,have learned from others, and have been suggested to me the past decade. 

Laundry Detergent/Dish Soap Swap

Think this one is unusual? It is, however, even if both styles of soaps have been modified to clean their respective territories.  They are manufactured with the same chemicals, only less strength when crossing over.  I.E Dish soap deals more with grease and Detergent is dirt remover, when crossing over, especially with detergent, the dish's will need a bit more of a soak prior to cleaning and a bit more of a rinse. I used this tactic when I was severely hungry, yet needed to clean both dish's and laundry. When I'd get in to work, people noticed I smelled like Sunlight Dish soap. One needs to be able to dry the clothes in the dryer since air drying is not recommended in this event. 

Buying Cheaper in house products 

Unless, its pop,alcohol, and other beverages which do make a difference in many ways, There is no such thing as a no named product one can buy that will create a lesser result when needed. You may like Tide, Tylenol, Mr. Clean, Dove, and Sunlight Soap, however, having a brand name is not any more better than a non brand name.  You simply pay more for the name and label over the quality and quantity.  When I was younger, there was no way in Hell my mother would buy a named brand Laundry Detergent when she can get the cheaper dry soap for ten times less and last an entire month. A  we would get the large three foot by four bin of no name detergent from Superstore which lasted a month and a bit even with four people leaving us with less concerns on the next shopping trip. 

Shop Off Season/If possible, Shop at different Locations 

If you think shopping for Seasonal, Sporting, Wedding Items and School items is expensive, you're completely 100% accurate. The reason is , with the acception of Wedding Items, is volume. Retailers intentionally jack up prices on items at times when they know are going to sell by the volume. Therefore creating a massive hike in prices.  When you shop for Baseball, Hockey, Football Gear for your children. Always go at the end of the season when noone is buying them since they will be nearly 4 times cheaper than that at the beginning of the season.  I.E a certain brand of Baseball bat like louisville slugger might run at $60 starting March prior to spring training all the while the same bat from the same location will run for $25 starting mid to late July and possibly cheaper by the end of August. Starting mid February, to the end of the spring which can be sometime around June, prices on Camping/Hiking, Outdoor, and Yard Work items will increase dramatically anywhere from $5 to $15 depending on location of a retailer and who's managing the store.  School supplies simply can be bought around Spring time at a cheaper cost than Mid June to Mid October since children have already bulked up on school supplies before the start of fall. Location is smaller factor when retailers make price adjustments.  For example your neighborhood Wal-Mart, (Dont get me wrong all walmarts stick with the same program at all stores, making Walmart an example only.) can be $2 more on specific seasonal items than the Wal-mart across town. Careful However, burning up fuel might just cost you more to go across town than if you went to your neighborhood retailer. 
Pat attention to certain floor plans when shopping. Every retailer is only attempting to play tricks on your visual psychology. You may believe you are simply getting a discount on a product at a store when the reality is, the company you buy a canned Campbell's Tomato Soup from is the same price as the one at another company. Not only do companies downplay Seasonal price increments, but they from time to time also play cheaper than the guy next door just to play games with you.  You are companies' pay cheque and will find ways to have you continue buying from them. 

Getting to know someone on the inside

As the saying goes, Its not what you know its Who you know, which can be your greatest asset. When you have a history with a certain store long enough to know not just staff but management, you are liable to get more for what you would normally pay for at any given time.  The reality is life is about favourites and the most heavily favoured you your the more likely it is you will get away with paying less of a great item then the closest and most rich people you know. 

When shopping for necessities, not only should you spend time assessing quantity of why you are buying, but the quality and effectiveness of that item which can be used elsewhere not related to the specific reason of its use.  And pay attention to the time of day, week, month, and year as all these have an effect on the price of every item in the store. Hope I have provided enough info on ways to expand the few dollars you do have and get everything you wished for. 

Kevin Miller

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