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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dad Squanders Health and Finances leaving son to clean everything up.

Squandered Health
I wish I could help this person , Unfortunately I am in the exact same boat and still trying to figure out how to clean up after my family and move forward with my life. If someone can help us both out, I would love to here. I do have a disability, downfall is my family physician has control over whether or not I qualify for social assistance.  He does not even have to do research with the evidence I gave him from my Psych report. He just has to give a bias factless opinion and my life is screwed period. To find a new doctor means I need to find money to transfer all medical records from one Doctor to the next, even than, time is needed for the new Physician to get to know the patients current issue. I cant pay if I don't have a job. I can't get a sustainable job if the Doctor does not get the idea how mental disorders affects me on the work place. And Companies either have no way or not interested in accommodating my needs. Which leaves me out in the cold.  People will tell me to get help from my family, which in the real world, is not a valid response. Since my family history is one of abuse, neglect, and control. There fore leaving me uber screwed since Money all together is needed for long term sufferers have no way of getting around what problems have been given to them.

If there is anyone who can and is willing to help, your time is greatly appreciated.

Kevin Miller

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