Bitcoin Stock Market

Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Would Happen If The World's Debt Disappeared? | Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

What Would Happen If The World's Debt Disappeared? | Stuff They Don't Want You To Know 
Now this concept I find rather interesting.  Never thought for a second what would really happen if no one owed anyone money.  That'll essentially send us back into pre market era where the barter system was the way of life. I.E My Goat for your bag of sheep wool

Kevin Miller

Friday, June 24, 2016

Momentum Tax Class 2015

Momentum Tax Class 2015

In this one, our guest speaker discusses the process of:
-Credits: Charity, Education, Medical Health, Travel for Medical Health, Child Care. ETC... 
-Claiming your children and spouse
-Always Claim your taxes Each January even if you have been at the same company for more than a year to keep up with yearly tax credits.

Audio Recording of 2015 Tax Class

Here is the Post - Education Credit Process:

- One is credit used for Text Books against Province Taxes
- Second is text book credit used against Canadian Taxes

Note: Our Speaker points out that you can use credit back for not working while in Post - Secondary and get credit back. How this works, I have yet to use this tactic to get taxes back even if I have not worked in the reporting year. 

Federal Tuition, Education and Textbook Amounts

YearAmount from prior yearCurrent year amountCurrent year amount appliedTransferred amountAmount from prior year appliedAmount available for carry forward

Provincial Tuition, cation and Textbook Amounts

YearAmount from prior yearCurrent year amountCurrent year amount appliedTransferred amountAmount from prior year appliedAmount available for carry forward

Friday, May 27, 2016

Planned Obsolecsence

Planned Obsolescence

Here  is a fun tune 
Planned Obsolescence in a nutshell - Products which are intentionally planned to find its way into the garbage within a certain amount of time.  

Kevin Miller

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Does one file taxes if they didn't work in 2015? - Reddit

Does one file taxes if they didn't work in 2015?

Does one file taxes if they didn't work in 2015?  Certainly, I would love to believe, as far as I am informed about this situation,  filing taxes for a year when no income was made would still be allowed. Women have been housewives since the day of dawn and I would find it very hard to believe there would not be a homemaker who would not do the same thing. 

Now that guys have become homemakers more and more as of recant, I definatly believe more guys are going to be looked at as some sort of life leach off the tax system.  However, the reality is, now that guys are becomeing single parents as women have in the past, how are guys supposed to feed children if some sort of income does not come in period. Since women have been part of the work force for much of the past century, guys are becoming stay at home mothers as it is viewed by many social workers, family courts, child services, as wrong to leave a child of a certain unattended for much of the time.

My hope if he claims files his taxes for 2015 without any income coming in that he does not get slandered by the courts since he does not have a partner to help him out. And yes, I would not be suprised if courts still view men as lazy for not working even in the new age of male stay-at-home-moms.

Kevin Miller